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Avoid at all costs to save yourself the grief-and-headache! Somar and Co. provided us with incredibly disappointing accountancy services, almost to a point where we were questioning their employee's competency and the company's overall fitness to provide safe-and-sound accountancy services. We came to Somar and Co. in 2009 to form a new limited company and have its accounts managed. We left this company after the first year of services. They grossly overcharged us for services across-the-board, as well as forming invalid PAYE slips rife with typos, and incorrectly filing information with Companies House, in-turn causing us to experience severe company fines for badly formed company accounts. We spent a total of £1,041~ with Somar and Co. and paid a fine of £150~ to Companies House, and once we moved to a new accountant, we had to redo all of our accounts again to a standard that was fit to be submitted to HMRC and Companies House. We were forced to redo our accounts as the work done by Somar and Co. was formally rejected by Companies House (the government entity responsible for recording company accounts). We had to pay our new accountants to do the same work that we paid Somar and Co. to do. Save yourself the potential grief-and-headache, costs and wasted hours by considering a different accountant.

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