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It's been about 3 weeks now that we are struggling without the electric hob. It is still not sorted. After about 2 weeks and numerous emails (about the cost, inconvenience and stress involved in the flat) and calls, I was told that the product was ordered. I was also told that the Installation and disposing the old appliance was included in this. So, I relaxed assuming things would get sorted in few days. After about a week, there was nothing. So, I contacted them again. I was told it would be arriving in 3 days. I offered to pay for the weekend delivery to make it quicker but I got no response for this at all. After a couple of days, I was provided with the date of delivery for Electric Hob and Washing machine. So, I took off from office but again the delivery didn’t happen for Electric hob. It was apparently only for Washing Machine which is not of priority for me. Yesterday, I received a letter saying, I should call them to arrange for the delivery date. They said the person who ordered had given wrong contact number, so they were not able to reach me. (Seriously?). Now, the delivery team also mentioned that I should pay £60 for installation and disposing charges. I tried to escalate but got no response from any of their senior staff. I have no idea what to do next. Looks like this will continue for ages. If you rent a property that Glenmead manage, you are asking for trouble and piece of your health too. Avoid. Our family is forced to eat outside for about 4 weeks now. It involves cost, stress and affects health. They don’t seem even to consider any compensation for this. They think it is not their fault at all. Glenmead doesn’t care at all.

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